Friday, April 16, 2010

Still Waiting...

I was under the impression that I would have the results of my PCR test this past Monday when I got the results of my 4th week blood work. Turns out that that test takes up to a week to perform so I haven't heard yet. I have been waiting with bated breath all week hoping that each day would be the day that I find out if I am negative for the virus thereby proving that the treatment is working very well. I really want it to work very well. Today is blood day again so it looks like it will be Monday next week before I find out. I have a very busy weekend planned so it should be easy enough to be distracted.

My shot on Monday didn't sting but I managed to hit a blood vessel so bled quite a bit. My advice from Jonas was, 'Mom, you should try not to bleed.' I am inclined to agree with him. I now have a pretty bruise at the injection site, lots of purpura and a very, very itchy rash!! It is driving me mental! Thank goodness that Brie has hooked me up with her Glaxo Base and it seems to help. I have upped my Melatonin to two pills every night before bed and last night I was able to sleep from 11pm to 5am!! I haven't had 6 hours in a row in a month. It was bliss full! I was snoring though so it wasn't as pleasant for my hubby, lol. I had some intensely bitchy days this last week and was SUPER tired but other than that, it has been a great week. I got in one double workout and a single and am going to do another tomorrow. I think Sundays are my favorite day of the week now. I feel the most like myself on Sundays. The drugs are all but out of my system and I can actually function for the most part like my old self. My energy is gone but at least on Sunday my motivation to do stuff is there. That has been my struggle this week....motivation. I have spent some serious time in bed cross stitching Baby's present (I am such an old lady lol) because I just don't FEEL like doing anything else. It's rather irritating. I am not used to being this uninspired to be a human. Also, I can't touch, brush or run my fingers through my hair without it falling out. I am not allowed to take a supplement for it so I suppose I will have to deal with much thinner hair.

The positive that I have noticed this week is that because of the drugs my skin is more sensitive. This translates into tiny simple things feeling incredible! Brie ran a single finger through my hair over my scalp and it was heaven!!! Scott rubbed between my shoulders for me and I would have willingly done anything he asked of me, it felt so good! I am running around the house begging for, and eating up, any physical touch I can get from my family because it is really out of this world! Typically when my liver is sick and my skin is sensitive, the LAST thing in the world that I want is for anyone to touch me so this is an unexpected pleasure.

I just got a phone call....IT'S NEGATIVE, IT'S NEGATIVE!!!! THE VIRUS IS GONE!!! I am THE happiest woman on the planet right now!!! I have to finish out the treatment but I now have moved up to a 90% chance that the virus is gone forever!!! WOOHOO!! I need to go cry with relief now!! Oh My God!! I am going to be ok!!! This is the BEST news of my life!!!

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