Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ooooh Update!

For those of you who don't know, when my treatment is done, I am going to school to be an electrician. I had applied at Wirtenen for the pre-apprenticeship program. It is free and you have to be accepted. The man who decides your fate is rather old school about women and makes no bones about it. We had talked previously and ironed out all his misconceptions and I was waiting to hear back. Surprise of all surprises, he called me on Wednesday to tell me that I had been accepted to start school on April 5th! I was madly trying to work it out in my head so that I could say yes. My mother, the voice of reason, was in the background telling me that I couldn't go while on treatment. I mentioned to the man that I was doing a medical treatment and he told me they could make allowances for it. Since the main side effect of my drugs is extreme forgettfullness, I told him I didn't think it was a good idea for me to play with electricity without the full use of all my faculties. He said it was no big deal, people would just think I was dumb. Uh, no. We talked for a bit and finally decided that it would be best for me to attend his course starting October 25th. I believe I convinced him to save a spot for me. I was supposed to call him back the next day and let him know and guess what? I forgot! Damn, damn, damn! I called and left him a message saying I couldn't attend before October and asked him to call me back. Hopefully it is still a go!

I am going to start down the road to be an electrician!!! I am so excited!! What amazing news!

1 comment:

  1. i don't know how i read the next post but missed this one! I really hope you get what you want with the electrician gig..... you'll be great at it! hopefully he understands too! good luck S
